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Scripps News:
Digital Rest Stops: Log Off Without Logging Off


Scripps News:
Positive Social Media Use


Dr. Pamela Rutledge is available to reporters for comments on the psychological and social impact of media and technology on individuals, society, and organizations as well as the implications of behavioral trends for brands.

CBS News:
Are social media influencers getting too influential?

Stories Are Key to Connection

Stories have the power to inform and persuade.  They connect people, bridge gaps, and can literally change the world. Telling stories is how we explain cause and effect--the reasons 'things happen.'  The stories we tell in the next year will dictate how well we, as individuals and a society, recover from the pandemic.  Read more about the psychological power of stories.

Personas Capture Mindsets & Emotions

A persona is a model or archetype of your customer that represents a set of behavioral patterns, goals, attitudes, needs, and values.  They help you develop empathy and see your customers as people, not as numbers. A persona-based strategy will let you create strategies that get your customers' attention, trigger their emotions, build trust and create meaning. This is the essence of audience engagement.  Read more.

The Power of Social Networks: What Maslow's Hierarchy Missed

Our understanding of Maslow’s model misses the mark in a very fundamental way.  It doesn’t give enough credit to the role of social connection.  See the article here.


In Search of the Hero: Qualitative Analysis of Audience Response to the Predator Trailer. In K. Shackleford & K. Walker (Eds.), Real Characters.

Transmedia Psychology: Creating Compelling and Immersive Experiences. In M. Freeman & R. R. Gambarato (Eds.), Routledge Companion to Transmedia Studies. London: Routledge.

Positive Media Psychology. In J. Van den Buick (Ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Media Psychology. New York: Wiley-Blackwell.

Exploring Positive Psychology: The Science of Happiness and Well-being, co-authored by Dr. Erik M. Gregory and Dr. Pamela Rutledge.


CyberChat Free Webinar: Parenting in the Digital World with Diana Graber, Cyberwise.  Every month, 12 noon PT, free. See Upcoming Events for topics and registration links.

  • CyberChat 4


Interview: Data Privacy Is an Illusion in Today's Social Media World - An Interview with Dr. Pamela Rutledge. [Podcast]

Interview: The Positive Use of Screentime for Kids   Dr. Pamela Rutledge joined Dr. Jess Shatkin, MD and Dr. Lori Evans PhD. Sirius XM81

Interview: The psychology of the #selfie Dr. Pamela Rutledge joined host Larry Mantle

Interview: Selfies: Narcissism, Insecurity or Self Expression? Dr. Pamela Rutledge  joined hosts Michelle King Robson and Dr. Pamela Peeke, MD to talk Selfies.