A new app makes headlines every week as teens migrate to the next new thing, and in the way of teens, do things that horrify their parents. These are teen... read more →
We’ve spent all kinds of energy worrying about girls and body image. Trends like ‘spornosexuals’ in the media (athletes and other celebrities with their shirts off showing off their abs)... read more →
According to UK journalist Mark Simpson, metrosexuals—a term he originated to describe single, urban young men with disposable income, hair gel and designer duds--are boringly normal and spornosexuals, the new, second... read more →
Lots of things have gotten more casual over the years. People used to dress up to take an airplane. Not a lot of us have calling cards and silver trays. ... read more →
The massive response to Santa Barbara shooting shows how the immediacy of social media increases emotional involvement. The resulting conversations around the shooting—moving quickly from the tragedy itself to the... read more →