Transmedia storytelling is not just for telling stories. Thanks to social technologies, the principles that drive transmedia storytelling ensure that it will emerge as the basis for effective communication and... read more →
The Wall Street Journal reports that reverse mentoring has finally cracked the workplace so that senior executives can learn more about technology, social media and the latest workplace trends. Great... read more →
Transmedia storytelling is rapidly becoming the new ‘must have’ in marketing and entertainment. Its adoption is slowed, however, by the... read more →
Social media has redefined "participatory" in all kinds of ways. Social technologies and easy-to-use tools have changed fundamental assumptions about how we interact with everything, not just each other. It's... read more →
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs model, developed in 1948, resonated across many disciplines, from business, technology and education to its field of origin, psychology. It spoke to potential and to positive... read more →