I hate to admit it, but I had never heard of this comedian, Louis CK. This YouTube clip entitled "Everything's Amazing, Nobody's Happy" from Late Night with Conan O'Brien is... read more →
Why would someone use television ads, billboards, and print to drive people to online and social media sites? 1) For the right audience, social media has lots of advantages, speed... read more →
An Associated Press article in the Herald Dispatch article today says "Governor says Ohio schools need new focus." The news brief says: Concepts such as problem solving, critical thinking, cultural... read more →
In a brief Q&A (2/22/09) in USA Today Weekend by advice columnist Dennie Hughes, she quotes me saying it’s okay to indulge in celebrity gossip. I think most people tend... read more →
Positive Media Psychology is an area of media psychology that uses the theories and constructs of positive psychology to research and promote positive media. Positive media psychology shifts the focus... read more →