Basic media psychology: business cards are important. The ink, the paper, and the content tell us a lot about a person. In China, the exchange of business cards is a... read more →
As a media psychologist interested in the role of media in conflict, I can't pass up the chance to be in Beijing during the Olympics. I head out tomorrow, now... read more →
Attention typography addicts, word-smiths, artists, and web-procrastinators! I have just come across the coolest site: Wordle. It creates art from your words.... read more →
I am very interested in the impact of media on how we view the world, and particularly in messaging that is framed in fearful and tribal contexts by various sources... read more →
I recently received this email inquiry from a college student: I am very interested in obtaining some sort of degree in psychology. I have been researching all the different areas... read more →