On Thursday, March 17, I joined Diana Graber at Cyberwise with guests Sue Scheff and Bradley Shearer on Blab to talk about Episode 2 from SyFy's How the Internet Ruined my Life and look at strategies to avoid negative events and create positive opportunities. Great discussion with these very smart... read more →
There's a new study called “Smartphone-Based Conversational Agents and Responses to Questions About Mental Health” by Miner, Milstein, Schueller, Hegde, and Mangurian (2016) that examines the response of “conversational agents” like Siri to mental health, physical health, and interpersonal violence questions. Why does this matter? As authors note, according to Pew... read more →
All the hype over "big data" combined with the looming threat of terrorism and the inroads into personal rights with the Patriot Act have created a landscape of fear. Now we have Apple vs. the government. The question is, who do you fear most? Big business or big government? The... read more →
Long or short, millennials want content with meaning. In 2016, Chris Giliberti talked about 3 Reasons Why Millennials Want Long Form Storytelling Over 'Snackable' Content on Forbes.com. I agree with him, but I also think it's a higher level issue. It's a bit simplistic to make sweeping statements about what... read more →
We're always so quick to blame technology. It reminds me of the very funny Flip Wilson comedy routines from the 1970s "The devil made me do it." If we blame technology, it's not our fault. So, the devil is back and it's called "binge watching." This is where understanding a... read more →