In Why Sticks are Good for Kids on, Andrea Bonior makes some excellent points about the importance of allowing creativity and imagination in play without overzealous, politically-correct, anxiety-driven restriction that keeps kids out of trees and puddles and away from sticks. When I was a kid, we lived near an... read more →
The Russian authorities have launched a “safe selfie” campaign in response to a series of deaths and serious injuries among selfie-takers who, in the pursuit of extreme selfie shots, have suffered numerous accidents such as falling off bridges, receiving self-inflicted gunshot wounds and being bitten by venomous snakes. The Russian booklet... read more →
In Part 1, I talked about the importance of consulting with a healthcare professional to learn about healthy diet approaches. Most apps are not based on behavioral change theory. As I wrote in Part 2, apps are uniquely suiting to providing easy ways of self-monitoring diet and activity and facilitating... read more →
As I wrote in Part 1, apps can be very effective tools to support weight loss, but there is some work you need to do first: make a commitment, visit your doctor or a nutritionist to get a good sense of a healthy diet plan and reasonable weight loss goals... read more →
There are many apps designed to help people lose weight. The bad news is that it takes more than a cool app to do so. Weight loss is about sustainable behavior change and it requires emotional and cognitive commitment. The good news is that apps are, in fact, very cool... read more →