Politicians may have personalities predisposed to risk-taking behaviors. The same is often true with CEOs and Rock Stars. These kinds of occupations attract competitiveness, narcissism, and the need for power along with talent, tenacity, resilience, and the willingness to take risks. A bigger problem however is when success turns into... read more →
From http://www.hispanicmpr.com/: Description: A podcast interview with Bonnie Buckner and Pamela Rutledge A Think Lab co-founders is available in the Podcast Section of Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations, HispanicMPR.com. They discuss transmedia storytelling with podcast host Elena del Valle. You can find the podcast on the HMRP website listed as... read more →
Every day you wake up to a flow of information. Your alarm clock sounds and you check your smart phone for email and Facebook posts. You scan a newspaper over breakfast; listen to the radio as you head... read more →
Pam Rutledge and Bonnie Buckner joined host Wayne Hurlbert on BlogTalkRadio's Blog Business World to talk about transmedia storytelling, the psychological power of storytelling for marketing and advocacy and to give tips about finding your company story and marketing strategies for a transmedia world. Rutledge & Buckner Explain Transmedia Storytelling... read more →
For several years now, I've had the dubious distinction of trying to explain to people what it means to be a media psychologist. The trick is to get the definition out before their eyes roll back in their heads. A larger problem, though, is that my definition of media psychology... read more →