Whether or not Egyptian President Mubarak steps down as protestors demand, it's clear that Egyptian society has undergone a cataclysmic shift. Much of this shift is due to the connectivity from new media technologies, such as Twitter and Facebook. Malcolm Gladwell has gotten a lot of flack for writing that... read more →
What does it mean when we have real time on-demand information? It means there is no longer an information shortage. We have more information that we know what to do with -- even when we ask for it. We have a filter shortage. Stories are the way the brain processes... read more →
A story is the center of every successful social media marketing campaign. Effective campaigns are not about the tools. They are about substance. Stories provide an authentic human experience that taps into psychological fundamentals, making them the most effective way to engage audiences. Stories have the ability to express the... read more →
As I wrote in my last post "Transmedia Storytelling: The Reemergence of Fundamentals", Transmedia storytelling is very exciting, but it isn't new. It is the ultimate mashup of ancient traditions and new communications models. There have been stories and messages delivered across different media every since the Cro-Magnon man figured... read more →
Calling all mystery buffs: thanks to Transmedia producer Robert Pratten and colleagues, you can experience a transmedia Crime Mystery. Transmedia stories usually make us think of major franchise efforts, such as the Matrix, or Avatar. Transmedia storytelling is not about budget, however. It’s about the power of the story and... read more →