When Hilary Clinton adopted the adage that it takes a village to raise a child she was speaking in part to the need for transparency. The village in her image was one of permeable walls, community engagement in the personal, and an end to privacy. Many voices are more powerful... read more →
Previously published on Psychology Today "Positively Media" 2011 will be the year when technology takes a back seat to human experience. In 2010, people grappled with the deluge of social technologies and focused on how to manage, monitor, measure, and adapt information and tools. 2011 will bring a move toward... read more →
We are experiencing a great revolution—the First Modern Revolution-- the result of a seismic shift in individual and group psychologies that come from the development and use of social media. This revolution is unfolding across societies around the world and is driving the techno-cultural trends we see for 2011. The... read more →
We are experiencing a great revolution—the First Modern Revolution-- the result of a seismic shift in individual and group psychologies that come from the development and use of social media. This revolution is unfolding across societies around the world and is driving the techno-cultural trends we see for 2011. The... read more →
Two distinct trends – one is sticky, the other is not. A look at the psychology behind the momentum. Not that it’s a competition, but two distinct trends have emerged in the last two years that are coming to a level of make it or break it – Augmented Reality... read more →