This Cisco ad captures what I hope media can do to bring countries and cultures together: linking people, especially children, real time. There's no reason, given the technology today, that we should be so ignorant of others. That ignorance fuels the belief that our way is the only way--and the... read more →
Media Psychology is a new and emerging field, so the early entrants have the excitement and burden of defining the path. What is media psychology? It’s a field with no consensus definition, no clearly-defined career paths, and no easy answers. In spite of that, it can add value anywhere human... read more →
I frequently get requests for information about how to pursue interests in the field of media psychology. I am always honored to represent the field and share my views and advice. The following is typical of several letters I have received recently. I am currently completing my last year as... read more →
I frequently get requests for information about how to pursue interests in the field of media psychology. I am always honored to represent the field and share my views and advice. The following is typical of several letters I have received recently. I am currently completing my last year as... read more →
Previously published in Psychology Today "Positively Media." Facebook’s recent privacy control changes have triggered a big response of concern, indignation, and pages of analysis. One thing you have to love about social media, when people are ticked off, you find out pretty fast. Facebook is doing some rhetorical back-pedaling but... read more →