I sat with a group of educators, marketers, public relations professionals, investor relations professionals, and web developers yesterday talking about how to develop a graduate level program focused on social media. This was especially interesting because as the only psychologist, my vantage point was quite different. Where marketers talk about... read more →
I am frequently asked questions about studying media psychology and about what jobs exist for media psychologists. Here are a few questions I received recently: How are social networking sites viewed in Media Psychology? Are Media Psychologist working at most companies encouraged or discouraged from joining such sites? How companies... read more →
I am frequently asked questions about studying media psychology and about what jobs exist for media psychologists. Here are a few questions I received recently: How are social networking sites viewed in Media Psychology? Are Media Psychologist working at most companies encouraged or discouraged from joining such sites? How companies... read more →
The holidays can be stressful. For me personally, I consume more candy, cookies, wine, and rich food over the two weeks surrounding Christmas than I do the entire rest of the year combined. I also exercise less, since I am frantically trying to keep up with real life while I... read more →
An article in the Financial Times (Lawyers use Facebook to serve papers) reports that an Australian lawyer received permission from a local court to serve papers using Facebook social network. It seems that Mr. McCormack, the Canberra solicitor, had been unable to track down his victims in more traditional ways.... read more →