I’m supposed to be packing because moving vans come tomorrow, but I had to remark on this story in the Washington Post: Most Calif. blacks backed proposition 8: 53% of Latinos Also Supported Proposition 8 In it, Vick and Surdin write: LOS ANGELES, Nov. 6 -- Any notion that Tuesday's... read more →
Scott Kaufman in a Psychology Today blog discusses research claiming that conservatives are less creative (Are conservatives less creative than liberals?). Kaufman is fairly even-handed, but I have a problem with research that takes several political policy positions and uses that to establish that some is a "conservative" since that... read more →
I had a question from a reporter this morning about post-election withdrawal. What are all those people who have been “addicted” to websites, TV, and text messaging to follow the election going to do with themselves? Call me an optimist, but I don’t think it’s going to be a problem. ... read more →
Twitter Vote Report is a non-partison network of people working to capture the experience of voting—long lines, broken machines, errors in registration, etc. It works by having individuals all over the country report on their experience. You submit a report a number of ways: By Twitter: Post a tweet that... read more →
For those interested in positive psychology, there is a must-attend conference November 24-25 in San Francisco "Happiness and It's Causes." In spite of obvious jokes about a happiness conference in San Francisco, this event brings an extraordinary line-up of people taking a wide-ranging look at positive emotions and mental states.... read more →