Every brand has a story--every brand, service, cause or idea was started because somebody, somewhere had a flame coming out of their you-know-whats that inspired them to do the work,... read more →
Obama was the classic Underdog archetype. Social media wasn’t his communications vehicle, it was part of his story. People ask if Hillary Clinton will have a social media advantage because Obama... read more →
Entrepreneur Alane Adams worries that kids don’t read enough. This, along with some nudging from her son, inspired her to put pen to paper and create the fantasy book series,... read more →
Obama stirred up a lot of attention with his BuzzFeed video Things Everybody Does but Doesn’t Talk About. Attention in the political world, by definition, means controversy. The BuzzFeed video shows Obama... read more →
Q: Are dynamic storytelling and transmedia storytelling the same thing? A: Dynamic storytelling, used in the context of the Coca Cola initiative, is storytelling designed to adapt to social-connected multi-platform... read more →