According to Miriam Webster, doomscrolling and doomsurfing are new terms that describe continuous scrolling or surfing through negative news, even when it is depressing, demoralizing, distressing, or painful. Many people... read more →
We may be anxious and depressed in this political environment, but the damage goes much deeper. The irrationality, and subsequent intolerance and antagonism, is most dangerous fallout of Trump's flamethrower approach. It... read more →
Why does Donald Trump do well in the post-debate analysis when he doesn’t answer questions, repeatedly goes off topic, and refers to things that are incorrect or irrelevant? Why doesn’t Hillary... read more →
Digital Hollywood Panel: Stealth VR through the Application of Neuroscience and Cognitive Psychology
Great fun joining colleagues at the 2016 Digital Hollywood for our panel on the psychology of virtual reality and the practical and cognitive challenges of creating of seamless (i.e. stealth) user... read more →
There's a new study called “Smartphone-Based Conversational Agents and Responses to Questions About Mental Health” by Miner, Milstein, Schueller, Hegde, and Mangurian (2016) that examines the response of “conversational agents”... read more →