Zoom is so prevalent that “Zoom” is now synonymous with video conferencing. The use of Zoom and other digital communications tools has skyrocketed given the number of people working and living... read more →
We need a new name for 'transmedia storytelling'. It seems like all the excitement about big transmedia storytelling projects has made it the buzz term du jour. But somehow, in... read more →
I don't hate Selena Gomez. I didn't know who she was -- much less that she was having a... read more →
Published previously on Positively Media Blog on Psychology Today. Care to try on a dress, take your picture in a virtual Mardi Gras mask, or figure out what size box... read more →
I am frequently asked questions about studying media psychology and about what jobs exist for media psychologists. Here are a few questions I received recently: How are social networking sites... read more →