There are many apps designed to help people lose weight. The bad news is that it takes more than a cool app to do so. Weight loss is about sustainable... read more →
Every brand has a story--every brand, service, cause or idea was started because somebody, somewhere had a flame coming out of their you-know-whats that inspired them to do the work,... read more →
Obama was the classic Underdog archetype. Social media wasn’t his communications vehicle, it was part of his story. People ask if Hillary Clinton will have a social media advantage because Obama... read more →
Obama stirred up a lot of attention with his BuzzFeed video Things Everybody Does but Doesn’t Talk About. Attention in the political world, by definition, means controversy. The BuzzFeed video shows Obama... read more →
The World Cup in Brazil was a great example of how something as simple as a selfite can bring so many people together. The fact that both Rihanna and German... read more →