A story is the center of every successful social media marketing campaign. Effective campaigns are not about the tools. They are about substance. Stories provide an authentic human experience that... read more →
As I wrote in my last post "Transmedia Storytelling: The Reemergence of Fundamentals", Transmedia storytelling is very exciting, but it isn't new. It is the ultimate mashup of ancient traditions... read more →
Calling all mystery buffs: thanks to Transmedia producer Robert Pratten and colleagues, you can experience a transmedia Crime Mystery. Transmedia stories usually make us think of major franchise efforts, such... read more →
Transmedia storytelling is one of the most exciting developments to hit entertainment, branding, marketing, and advocacy in the last few years. Transmedia storytelling is a ‘story experience’ both for—and with—an... read more →
Amazon succeeds because their strategy catches the psychological fundamentals that drive consumer behavior, not short-term infatuation with bells and whistles. When the iPad came out, many sounded the death knell... read more →