The pandemic, politics, and social protests make this a particularly volatile time--emotions are on edge and tension is high. This is a time when we are all vulnerable to embracing... read more →
According to Miriam Webster, doomscrolling and doomsurfing are new terms that describe continuous scrolling or surfing through negative news, even when it is depressing, demoralizing, distressing, or painful. Many people... read more →
Last week we were worried about the negative impact of cellphone overuse. Now we’re worried about staying employed, entertained and connected. It’s funny how a little pandemic shifts your opinion. ... read more →
'Contagion’ is now the second most-streamed movie behind Harry Potter. Why watch a show that scares us when we have a pandemic in real life? Because thrillers and horror movies can increase feelings of... read more →
Trying to get answers makes us feel safer. This isn’t just true of adults. It’s true for kids, too. That’s why it’s important to talk with kids during times of crisis and uncertainty. ... read more →