We may be anxious and depressed in this political environment, but the damage goes much deeper. The irrationality, and subsequent intolerance and antagonism, is most dangerous fallout of Trump's flamethrower approach. It... read more →
A recent study on selfies (The Selfie Paradox: Nobody Seems to Like Them Yet Everyone Has Reasons to Take Them. An Exploration of Psychological Functions of Selfies in Self-Presentation by... read more →
I'm very excited to announce the publication of the text Exploring Positive Psychology: The Science of Happiness and Well-Being co-authored with my dear friend, mentor and brilliant psychologist Erik M. Gregory and... read more →
Why does Donald Trump do well in the post-debate analysis when he doesn’t answer questions, repeatedly goes off topic, and refers to things that are incorrect or irrelevant? Why doesn’t Hillary... read more →
The unintended consequences of design: Pokémon GO not only has health benefits, but it's the first one that makes augmented reality (AR) seem not just fun but, well, normal. It has... read more →