We're always so quick to blame technology. It reminds me of the very funny Flip Wilson comedy routines from the 1970s "The devil made me do it." If we blame... read more →
Don't buy into the myth that social media is the path to mental illness, depression or overwhelming envy. It is just part of our social world. We are all imperfect... read more →
It's easy to blame the tools. This story in the Baltimore Sun (Alleged murder plot described as parents, police step up efforts to protect teens) will be one of many... read more →
As if being a parent wasn’t hard enough, now we have to worry about FoMO Parenting. This is a permutation of the FoMO (Fear of Missing Out) that people report... read more →
Social media is the terrorist’s best and worst friend. Acts of terrorism need to be public to get attention, make a statement and spread fear. Social media amplifies these events,... read more →