Recently I wrote a post on Psychology Today wondering why the selfie phenomenon hadn’t been embraced by brands. Selfies capture an authentic moment because it does something that we haven’t... read more →
Earlier this month, I learned about a new iPhone app called Kindr. Kindr makes it easy for you to send compliments to people you know by providing you with a... read more →
We live in a digital world. Thanks to the social media, we are connected to people and information 24/7, no matter where we are. Social media has expanded the role... read more →
Is it possible to share profound human experience in 140 characters or less? NPR’s popular host, Scott Simon, live-tweeted his 84-year-old mother’s passing from her bedside in a Chicago hospital. By... read more →
You are more likely to sacrifice your own time and energy to help your partner or loved one if your self-control is taxed, according to research recently published in Psychological Science ( Righetti, Finkenauer... read more →