Is it possible to share profound human experience in 140 characters or less? NPR’s popular host, Scott Simon, live-tweeted his 84-year-old mother’s passing from her bedside in a Chicago hospital. By... read more →
You are more likely to sacrifice your own time and energy to help your partner or loved one if your self-control is taxed, according to research recently published in Psychological Science ( Righetti, Finkenauer... read more →
My last post, Making Sense of Selfies, generated some interesting and spirited comments. Some were for and some against, but none neutral. For better or for worse, depending upon your point... read more →
We are awash in selfies. A selfie is a self-generated self-portrait, although calling them a “portrait” is a bit grandiose. Selfies are those pictures you take of yourself with, most... read more →
Humans are social animals. The need to connect is a primal drive. Even our most basic needs, such as food and safety, have always been accomplished by humans as a... read more →