Some celebrities are masters at using Twitter to build a fan base. Others, like Chris Brown, suffer from not understanding the potential impact of failing to think first, tweet second.... read more →
Video games have been at the forefront of interactive media and continue to be a significant part of the participatory media environment. The thought of a video game still may... read more →
Many people have the image of video games as socially isolating, if not psychologically addicting. Yet, like my friend Kristin Brandt demonstrated when she joined her son in the online... read more →
Worried About Video Games? It's time to exhale. Video games often get a bad rap, but it’s time we give them a little more credit. Video games and interactive media... read more →
As people make sense of the senseless, like what is being called the Colorado Massacre or the Batman Shooting, we try to find an explanation. The world is a very... read more →