We need a new name for 'transmedia storytelling'. It seems like all the excitement about big transmedia storytelling projects has made it the buzz term du jour. But somehow, in... read more →
The webinar Dr. Bonnie Buckner and I developed for UCI Extension, “The Power of Transmedia Storytelling: Persuasive Communications Across Emerging Technologies,” won the best webinar content award from the Internet... read more →
Stories are powerful things. The International OCD Foundation is putting transmedia storytelling to work in its new campaign to raise awareness and overcome stereotypes about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) called... read more →
The in-flight safety message on a recent Virgin America flight ended with a clever info-cartoon intended to raise awareness of how obnoxious airplane behavior impacts everyone on the flight called... read more →
SxSW (South By Southwest or 'South By' if you're on a first name basis), is a music, film, and interactive media conferences held annually in Austin, Texas. It is more... read more →