At the center of every successful social media and transmedia marketing or advocacy campaign is a story that reflects universal values and aspirations. A story is the most effective way... read more →
My 85-year old Dad took issue with an LA Times interview with Dr. Sherry Turkle warning about the inhuman side of technology and the dangers of virtual companionship. In fact,... read more →
Twitter’s Authenticity and Immediacy are turning Charlie Sheen into (even more of) a Media Sensation. Twitter is just like sitting courtside. While plenty of people have thrown in their two... read more →
By Pamela Rutledge and Bonnie Buckner In part 1 "Levi's: Go Forth and Exploit," we wrote about our problems with the Levi’s Go Forth Campaign, such as romanticizing and trivializing... read more →
By Pamela Rutledge and Bonnie Buckner The Levi’s Go Forth/We Are All Workers Campaign has focused a lot of attention on the town of Braddock, PA. Levi’s uses Braddock to... read more →