This is a great clip from "On the Brain" with Dr. Michael Merzenich interviewing Dr. Bruce Wexler. Wexler wrote the book Brain and Culture —one of my favorites. In this... read more →
I get a lot of questions about career paths in media psychology, particularly among those thinking of pursuing a degree in the field. I certainly empathize with that confusion--and the... read more →
People are doing lots of things in response to job losses in the current economy, so what makes LinkedIn remarkable? Joining this type of network is a trend I expect... read more →
You can test yourself and determine your stage of development. TEXT MESSAGING STAGES Stage 1: Infancy to early childhood Basic Psychological Conflict: Trust vs. Doubt Important Developmental Tasks: Signing on Outcome: Individuals at this stage type... read more →
I am very excited to announce that I have joined the blogging community on Psychology Today's website writing about the positive use of media and social technologies. My blog there... read more →