Pew Internet & American Life Project researcher Amanda Lenhart reports in Adults and Social Network Websites that the number of adult Internet users who have taken up social networking has... read more →
The power of media to distribute information to a wide audience makes "stealing" media an effective method of disrupting or redirecting information flows. The Media Psychology Research Center homepage was... read more →
This question came my way today: Is there any good thing about gossiping about celebs? When does being a fan go over into being too fanatical? Some people say the... read more →
I sat with a group of educators, marketers, public relations professionals, investor relations professionals, and web developers yesterday talking about how to develop a graduate level program focused on social... read more →
I am frequently asked questions about studying media psychology and about what jobs exist for media psychologists. Here are a few questions I received recently: How are social networking sites... read more →