I’m supposed to be packing because moving vans come tomorrow, but I had to remark on this story in the Washington Post: Most Calif. blacks backed proposition 8: 53% of... read more →
Scott Kaufman in a Psychology Today blog discusses research claiming that conservatives are less creative (Are conservatives less creative than liberals?). Kaufman is fairly even-handed, but I have a problem... read more →
I had a question from a reporter this morning about post-election withdrawal. What are all those people who have been “addicted” to websites, TV, and text messaging to follow the... read more →
Twitter Vote Report is a non-partison network of people working to capture the experience of voting—long lines, broken machines, errors in registration, etc. It works by having individuals all over... read more →
For those interested in positive psychology, there is a must-attend conference November 24-25 in San Francisco "Happiness and It's Causes." In spite of obvious jokes about a happiness conference in... read more →