I am lucky to be able to see Beijing in person during the Olympics. The athletic accomplishments aside--and the Chinese had 16 gold medals last I checked--the people's pride in... read more →
Basic media psychology: business cards are important. The ink, the paper, and the content tell us a lot about a person. In China, the exchange of business cards is a... read more →
Attention typography addicts, word-smiths, artists, and web-procrastinators! I have just come across the coolest site: Wordle. It creates art from your words.... read more →
I am very interested in the impact of media on how we view the world, and particularly in messaging that is framed in fearful and tribal contexts by various sources... read more →
The human biological predisposition to seek social contact reacts to radio more than TV according to Cramer from Psychology Today. He suggests that the greater ambiguity in radio allows for... read more →