I think it’s important to look at human behavior and human interaction with media from a broad perspective. Findings from biology, neuroscience, and evolution can challenge us to rethink traditional... read more →
I hadn’t been in Second Life for several months. But I was invited by a friend to visit his class on Social Media Marketing and talk about the psychology of... read more →
In new study out of Vanderbilt, reported in Science Daily "Mind's Eye' Influences Visual Perception," researchers Pearson, Tong, and Clifford report that what we imagine (see in our "mind's eye)... read more →
Thanks to my friend Jon Cabiria, who got me started on this thing, I am now a Twitter addict. Twitter is a social networking site, a sort of micro-blog where... read more →
Okay, I have to admit I am a gadget-freak. My husband continually gives me grief because I can justify any technology purchase by saying “but I’m a Media Psychologist. I... read more →