Fielding Graduate University is holding an orientation for new doctoral students in media psychology in Santa Barbara. (Fielding has the only doctoral program in media psychology in the U.S.) This... read more →
I have been haunted by this question for nearly two years. It doesn't seem like it should be hard to answer but the fact is that neither 'media' nor 'psychology'... read more →
Harvard Business Review has launched its first ever Interactive Case Study. That, in itself, is pretty cool. But the case study itself “We Googled You” raises interesting questions and changes... read more →
An interesting article by Randy Dotinga appearing in the 5-24-07 issue of Wired called Anakin Skywalker: Borderline Personality, Bipolar or Narcissist?A team of psychiatrists has done a study analyzing Anakin... read more →
A colleague sent around an article about research out of UCD that has gotten a lot of attention with headlines like: "Study Reveals "Robin Hood Impulse' in Human Nature." ...120... read more →