Here are 7 ways to be an Upstander and combat bullying on and offline Takeaways: Understanding the different kinds of bullying is the first step to recognizing and combating it.... read more →
Digital literacy builds protective internal strengths no matter what technology kids use We worry about the impact of media on kids' mental health. Why are we so fast to regulate... read more →
Laws to regulate social media use by kids are popping up everywhere. Unlikely to achieve their stated goals, they may even cause harm by leaving our kids less prepared for... read more →
Digital resilience combines resilience with media literacyCognitive and emotional skills create assets that build resilience on and offlineEvery opportunity to learn and practice adds to a child’s resiliency “toolbox”Parents can... read more →
Parents should assume that, at some point, their child will come across something inappropriate online, such as porn or violence, that can be upsetting or scary. Younger children are more... read more →