Twitter Vote Report is a non-partison network of people working to capture the experience of voting—long lines, broken machines, errors in registration, etc. It works by having individuals all over... read more →
Basic media psychology: business cards are important. The ink, the paper, and the content tell us a lot about a person. In China, the exchange of business cards is a... read more →
It's one year since the iPhone reports Tom Krazit at CNET. He believes there are two types of people who anted up the bucks to be an early adopter -... read more →
According to an article in Forbes, “Taxing Virtual Worlds,” Congress has begun holding hearings about taxing commercial activity in virtual worlds. Discussions included the taxability of “buying” weapons in World... read more →
This article on the Medical News Today website entitled Neural Insights into The Economics of Philanthropy discusses a study where two economists and a cognitive scientist scanned brain activity using... read more →