I sat with a group of educators, marketers, public relations professionals, investor relations professionals, and web developers yesterday talking about how to develop a graduate level program focused on social... read more →
I’m supposed to be packing because moving vans come tomorrow, but I had to remark on this story in the Washington Post: Most Calif. blacks backed proposition 8: 53% of... read more →
Mass media helps make a nation real and tangible through depictions of images, symbols, and events. Information from within China, which had been cut off during the Mao regime from... read more →
Interesting article about the growth of television in India in the NY Times In India, the Golden Age of Television Is Now talking about the booming growth of the television... read more →
I am part of a research team looking at the current definition and understanding of media psychology. This is the write-up submitted to APA Division 46 (Media Psychology) explaining the... read more →