Politicians may have personalities predisposed to risk-taking behaviors. The same is often true with CEOs and Rock Stars. These kinds of occupations attract competitiveness, narcissism, and the need for power... read more →
From http://www.hispanicmpr.com/: Description: A podcast interview with Bonnie Buckner and Pamela Rutledge A Think Lab co-founders is available in the Podcast Section of Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations, HispanicMPR.com. They... read more →
Every day you wake up to a flow of information. Your alarm clock sounds and you check your... read more →
Shame on LA Times columnist Sandy Banks for perpetuating ignorance and the fear of technology in her column “The stage is too big for kids” . If you want to... read more →
The Bronx Zoo misplaced an Egyptian cobra. (Don’t you hate it when that happens?) I read about it in the LA Times. This isn’t the first errant zoo animal, so... read more →