An Associated Press article in the Herald Dispatch article today says "Governor says Ohio schools need new focus." The news brief says: Concepts such as problem solving, critical thinking, cultural... read more →
Newsweek's Technology Section has an article called “Twitter, Unmasked: Who is really writing all those Tweets? Professional microbloggers.” This article underscores the importance of looking at new media with an... read more →
I was doing some research for an online course I'm teaching at Fielding Graduate University in Digital Narrative and Emerging Technologies, and came across this absolutely brilliant video called "The... read more →
I sat with a group of educators, marketers, public relations professionals, investor relations professionals, and web developers yesterday talking about how to develop a graduate level program focused on social... read more →
I am frequently asked questions about studying media psychology and about what jobs exist for media psychologists. Here are a few questions I received recently: How are social networking sites... read more →