An article in the Financial Times (Lawyers use Facebook to serve papers) reports that an Australian lawyer received permission from a local court to serve papers using Facebook social network.... read more →
Many thanks to the folks at Online Education Database for including the Media Psychology Research Center's Media Psychology Blog on their list of 101 Fascinating Brain Blogs. We are listed... read more →
I am always looking for how to put the power of media technologies to work to make the world a better place. Wouldn't it be great if we didn't need... read more →
There is a charming article on game developer/programmer Jason Rohrer The Video-Game Programmer Saving Our 21st-Century Souls as part of their "best and brightest" of 2008 stories. Rohrer is clearly... read more →
I’m supposed to be packing because moving vans come tomorrow, but I had to remark on this story in the Washington Post: Most Calif. blacks backed proposition 8: 53% of... read more →