Some celebrities are masters at using Twitter to build a fan base. Others, like Chris Brown, suffer from not understanding the potential impact of failing to think first, tweet second.... read more →
Thanksgiving is a time to look around and be grateful for what we have and to celebrate the richness and opportunities in our lives. Sometimes it helps to be reminded... read more →
The film, A Dangerous Method, is an ambitious effort to portray the complex and tumultuous evolution of the relationships and theories among the father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, his protégé... read more →
Join the Media Psychology Research Center and A Think Lab in supporting the victims of Japan's earthquake and tsunami through the Red Cross. Make your donation now!
My friend Bret Morstad submitted this great video, called "The Message" to TED. It speaks to the seismic shifts in culture and psychology that innovations in technology and a connected... read more →