/ / /2018-2016/ / /
The Positives of Digital Life. (July 3, 2018). By Jana Anderson and Lee Rainie. Pew Research
What to Do if You Hate Your Partner’s Social Media Presence. (June, 21, 2018). By Rebecca Fishein. LifeHacker.com.
A Review of Video Unboxing. (June 15, 1018). By Beaupop. Smart People Podcast Episode 19.
Study: Negative Social Media Experiences Linked to Depression. (June 7, 2018). By Tala Salem. USNews.
Why Being Online Makes Us Happy. (May 22, 2018) Better Worldians Podcast.
The 9 Biggest Instagram Mistakes Couples Make. (May 15, 2018). By Julia Pugachevsky. Cosmopolitan.
Maybe You Shouldn’t Read This COlumn on Your Phone. (March 12, 2018). By Patrice Apodacamar. LATimes
Is Binge-Playing Video Games Bad for You? (February 20, 2018). By Matt Perez. Forbes.com
The Sign You Are Oversharing on Social Media. (February 1, 2018). By Sydney Loney. MSN.com

The Best Digital Detox is No Detox At All. (January 29, 2018). By Karen Landman. WoollyMag.
Why We Shun Harvey Weinstein, but Forget About Woody Allen. (November 29, 2017). By Meera Jagannathan. Moneyish.com

Theme 4: The information environment will improve because people will adjust and make things better. (October 20, 2017). By Janna Anderson and Lee Rainie. Pew Internet
Selena Gomez just showed us how to share life-changing news on social media with grace. (September 14, 2017). By Nicole Lyn Pesce. Moneyish.com
Automated Technology Isn’t Going Anywhere and It’s Changing Society. (August 25, 2017). By Katharine Lackey. USAToday
What Makes People Join Hate Groups? (August 23, 2017). By Sharon Jayson and Kaiser Health News. USNews
Why Are We Living in a New Era of On-Screen Horror? (August 16, 2017). By Clementine de Pressigny. Vice.com
Why Do You Love to Watch Strangers Play Video Games? (August 10, 2018). By Tony Carnevale. Twitch Prime/Gizmodo

Redes sociais aumentam vínculos, mas exigem equilíbrio. (February 20, 2017). By Patricia Knebel. Jornal do Comércio.
Scientists figured out why your selfies are funny and authentic but everyone else’s are so narcissistic. (February 17, 2017). By Leah Fessler. The Quartz.
This Girl is Going to Prison for Live Streaming a Rape on Periscope. (February 15, 2017) By Brittney McNamara. Teen Vogue.

‘Why Don’t I Look Like Her?’: How Instagram Is Ruining Our Self Esteem. (January 16, 2017). By Olivia Fleming. Cosmopolitan.
How Generation Z is changing the tech world. (March 10, 2016) By Brian Mastroianni. CBS News.
Twitter users heart the heart button and are using it more than ever. (March 8, 2016). By AJ Dellinger. DailyDot.com.
Ten Legitimate Reasons It’s OK to Take A Man Selfie. (March 9, 2016) By MarcBeaulieu. AskMen.com.
Is Kylie Jenner giving sis Kim a run for her money on social media?(March 6, 2016). By Joanne Richard. Toronto Sun.
Like Addiction. (March 2016) By Sarah Wexler. Cosmopolitan.
Is There Anything Wrong With Controversial Photos of Jessica Simpson’s, Kris Jenner’s Kids? (February 25, 2016). By Beth Greenfield. Yahoo! Beauty.
Science Explains Why You Love Morgan Freeman’s Voice. (February 23, 2016) By Mandy Oaklander. TIME.com
Chino Hills Powerball winner still unknown as hoaxes keep appearing. (January 15, 1016). By Liset Marquez. Inland Valley Daily Bulletin/San Bernardino Sun.
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