Dr. Pamela Rutledge is an internationally-known media psychologist and behavioral scientist. She is an expert on the impact and design of media technologies on consumers, social trends and social movements.
Dr. Rutledge is available to reporters for comments and analysis on the impact of technology and social media use on individuals and society. Contact: pamelarutledge [at] gmail.com.
Success in media strategy, technology development, persuasive messaging and brand narrative is about understanding people, not numbers. Dr. Rutledge consults with companies on a variety of media projects. Applying the fundamentals of psychology gets powerful results. For more information, please contact Dr. Rutledge at pamelarutledge[@]gmail.com or use the contact page.
Recent projects:
- Constructing transmedia brand stories: The 360-degree Brand Story
- Identifying a Brand’s Archetype, Personality and Voice
- Identifying consumer narratives: What the Customers Are Telling You (And What They Didn’t Say)
- User-experience in mobile design: Getting Big Ideas onto a Small Screen
- Applying neuroscience to design problems: NeuroUX
- Coping with the digital world: Mindful Social Media Use
- Disrupting political narratives and global radicalization: Identifying What Terrorists Are Really Selling
- Applying positive psychology to content design: Conscious Design
Dr. Rutledge is available to speak to your group or organization on topics related that facilitate your companies focus and understanding of media technologies, such as:
- Influencers: The Ultimate Word-of-Mouth
- Empowered and Enraged Consumers
- Turbocharging Social Change with Technology
- Transforming Media and Brand Strategy with Story
- Archetypes: Linking Brands and Consumers
- Data Strategy: Are You Measuring the Past or Planning for the Future?

Selected Presentations & Workshops
- Rutledge, P. (2019). VR and Personality. Digital Hollywood, Los Angeles.
- Rutledge, P., Sherick, B. (2018). Data Strategy for Entertainment. Variety Summit. Los Angeles, CA.
- Rutledge, P. (2016, March). Brand Story as Virtual Reality. Media Summit. New York.
- Rutledge, P. (2015, August 7). Presidential Panel The Internet of You: Selfie Empowerment. 2015 American Psychological Association National Convention, Toronto, ON.
- Rutledge, P. and Hogg J.L. (2015, August 6). What is the Real World Anyway: Redefining Learning Spaces. 2015 American Psychological Association National Convention, Toronto, ON.
- Rutledge, P. (2015, August 6). Effective Games: Playing in the Flow Zone. 2015 American Psychological Association National Convention, Toronto, ON.
- Rutledge, P. (2015, February 27). The Transmedia Trip: Engagement Across Multiple Platforms. Transmedia Storytelling Conference, Hannover Germany.
- Rutledge, P. and Hogg, J.L. (2015, January) Social Storytelling. Fielding National Session. Santa Barbara, CA.
- Rutledge, P. (2014, October) Transmedia Storytelling for B2B. Cambro Manufacturing.
- Rutledge, P. (2014, August) The Science of Engagement – “You Talkin’ to Me?”. 2014 American Psychological Association National Convention. Washington DC.
- Rutledge, P. (2014, August) Storytelling for Good: TurboCharge Your Message with Transmedia Storytelling. 2014 American Psychological Association National Convention. Washington DC.
- Rutledge, P. and Hogg, J. L. (2014, May) The Science of Engagement. SoMe Awards and Forum. Portland, OR.
- Rutledge, P. (2014, May) The Psychology of Storytelling. SoMe Awards and Forum. Portland, OR.
- Rutledge, P. (2014, January) Branding Through Storytelling Workshop. Fielding National Session. Santa Barbara, CA.
- Rutledge, P. B. (2013, November 9) Transmedia Storytelling for Content Management. Integrated Marketing Forum, Irvine, CA.
- Rutledge, P.B. (2013, April 15). Transmedia Storytelling for Educational Recruitment. AACRAO Conference. San Francisco, CA
- Rutledge, P.B. (2013, August 4). Media Literacy: An Imperative, Not a Luxury. American Psychological Association National Convention. Honolulu, HI.
- Rutledge, P. B., and Neal, M. (2012). Positive Engagement Evaluation Model for Interactive and Mobile Technologies. Paper presented at the 2012 EEE International Conference on e-Learning, e-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, and e-Government, Las Vegas, NV.
- Rutledge, P. B. (2012). Augmented Reality: Brain-Based Persuasion Model. Paper presented at the 2012 EEE International Conference on e-Learning, e-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, and e-Government, Las Vegas, NV.
- Rutledge, P.B. (2012, October) The Psychology of Play and Players. StoryWorld Conference and Expo, Los Angeles, CA.
- Rutledge, P.B. (2012) Integrating an Online Presence for Psychologists. Orlando, FL. American Psychological Association National Convention.
- Rutledge, P.B. (2012, August 2) Transmedia Storytelling for Marketing, Education, and Clinical Practice. American Psychological Association National Convention, Orlando, FL.
- Rutledge, P.B. (2012, March 9). Brains and the Consequences of Design. SxSW Interactive, Austin, TX.
- Rutledge, P.B. (2012, February 18). Panel Chair: Embedded Cognition. Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, Las Vegas, NV
- Rutledge, P.B. (2012, January 9). Communicating the Message in the ‘New Normal” Environment. Newport Beach, CA. College Board College Colloquium.
- Rutledge, P.B. (2011, November 2) Generation C & Shared StoryWorlds. StoryWorld Conference and Expo, San Francisco, CA.
- Social Media and the Brain. October 6, 2011 as part of The Wired Child: How 21st Century Technology Affects the Brain. Sackler Educational Laboratory at The American Museum of Natural History, New York.Generation C & Shared StoryWorlds Panel.Storyworld Conference and Expo November 1, 2011.
- Applying the Psychology of Social Media. Vodafone Plenum Annual Congress, Berlin, September 30, 2011.
- Social Media for Social Change (August 2011) American Psychological Association National Convention, Washington DC.
- Igniting a Revolution of Intrinsic Motivation. EComm 2011: Emerging Communications Conference. June 27-29, 2011. San Francisco Marriott.
- Transmedia Storytelling and the Brain (May 19, 2011) Planningness Conference. Minneapolis, MN
- How Augmented Reality Can Save the World: Broadband for the Brain (May 17, 2011) ARE Conference, Santa Clara, CA
- Does the Internet Make You Happy? (March 2011) SxSW Interactive, Austin, TX.
- Transmedia Storytelling Workshop (February 19, 2011) New Leaders Council, Santa Monica, CA
- Transmedia Storytelling for Marketing: Engaging Customers Across Emerging Technologies(December 2010) Webinar, UC Irvine Extension.
- Immersive Technologies and Social Change (October 2010) Immersive Media Summit
- Social Media and Image (August 2010) American Psychological Association National Convention, San Diego, CA