I am very interested in the impact of media on how we view the world, and particularly in messaging that is framed in fearful and tribal contexts by various sources from politicians, religious leaders, and proponents of social causes to media outlets vying for audience attention. Biologically speaking, maintaining a heightened sense of fear is a stressor that can permanently alter our neurological wiring, even after the threat abates. A heightened sense of fear colors the way we see the whole world, influencing our perceptions and, consequently, our judgments, decisions, and behaviors.
These are the ideas that I am measuring in my current research that will form the basis for a dissertation on Media Impact on the Core Beliefs that Predict Conflict. I hope to identify differences among information sources in their influence on core beliefs. I am using US and China as exemplars of this phenomenon and will gather data again, post-Olympics. The link to my questionnaire is here: CLICK HERE TO TAKE PAM’S SURVEY. I would be honored and grateful if you would spend the time to take the survey and forward this to others! I would also be happy to share information about the instruments included in the questionnaire and project background. I will also be gathering data in China for comparison. If we can understand how conflict schemas are formed, we will stand a better chance of taking action to overcome them. Call it my contribution to world peace.
Hi! I was surfing and found your blog post… nice! I love your blog. 🙂 Cheers! Sandra. R.
my name is MUSANGABATWARE and I am studing MA in conflict resolution and Peace Building in KIU haw can I read news from your blogue?