TikTok, a video-based social media platform famous for cringe-worthy lip-syncs, dance challenges, the viral success of Lil Nas X’s Old Town Road, and the revival of one of the best songs ever, Fleetwood Mac’s Landslide. I’m really looking forward to this conversation with Diana Graber of Cyberwise and Richard (Rick) Andreoli of Parentology to discuss the different types of TikTok challenges and the psychology of their appeal. We will also have some tips for parents to ease their worries that will let them help their kids use TikTok safely and still have fun. Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_d36h6Cb0RpKe-xZg78ekbg #tiktokchallenge #mediapsychology #parentingtip
See Diana’s article on TikTok at https://www.cyberwise.org/post/kids-love-tiktok-challenges-we-re-going-to-explain-why